Miscreated Wiki

The Base Traps 2 Guide is an Advanced crafting guide.


Using the Base Traps 2 Guide adds the following recipes to the player's crafting menu:

Product Recipe
Wood palisade 3m 48
3m Wood Palisade
4 × WoodPile 48 Wood Log
4 × Lumber 48 Lumber
Wood punji poison 2m 2m 48
2x2 Punji Poisoned
2 × Lumber 48 Lumber
4 × WoodPile 48 Wood Log
1 × AppleRotten 48 Rotten Apple

Lootable Item[]

This guide is a random drop which can be found throughout the map, typically found in buildings, while searching lockers, air-drop shipments, plane crash sites and while looting mutants which have been killed.

Once this item has been found, the player must right-click on it and select Learn at which point the guide will disappear and the player will be able to create items unlocked by the guide. If the guide has already been learned, the player upon collecting subsequent guides of this type will be unable to learn the guide and the guide will remain in the player's inventory.

The guide can be placed into community chests or passed onto other players.
