Miscreated Wiki

Beets are consumable food items.



Beets refer to uncooked Beets. They may be found in homes, diner kitchens, convenience stores, supermarkets, or gas stations.

Consuming uncooked Beets restores a player's hunger and thirst bars by 5.3% and 1.1%, respectively.

Cooked Beets[]

Cooked Beets are obtained by cooking Beets in an Oven, Microwave, Grill, Stove, Firepit, or Campfire for 100 seconds. Consuming Cooked Beets restores a player's hunger bar by 8%.

Burned Beets[]

Burned Beets are obtained by cooking Beets for more than 200 seconds. Consuming Burned Beets restores a player's hunger bar by 2.3%.

Rotten Beets[]

Rotten Beets are spoiled vegetables that are longer safe to eat. Consuming Rotten Beets meat restores a player's hunger and thirst bars by 2.7% and 0.3% respectively, but it comes with a 25% chance of poisoning the consumer, while adding 10% torpidity, and decreasing stamina by 5%.
