Miscreated Wiki

The Deer Pelt is a Crafting item which can be found when searching a dead Deer's body.


In Miscreated, deer can be killed utilizing both Ranged weapons or Melee weapons. A Deer Pelt is one of the lootable items which can be found when searching a dead deer. The Deer Pelt can be utilized to craft a Deer Waterskin which holds 0.450 L of liquid which will fill 25.7% of a person's thirst bar when the water is consumed.

Deer Waterskins are generally one of the first items a player can craft when starting out new or after dying which will allow the carrying of water as opposed to needing to find other container types such as Water Bottles or Canteens.


The Water Barrel is required to craft the following items:

The Deer Pelt is combined with a rope to craft a Deer Waterskin. The Deer Waterskin is typically used to carry water in a player's inventory to drink water as needed.
