Miscreated Wiki

Ham is a consumable food item.


Raw Ham[]

Raw Ham can be looted from the carcass of a Pig. Consuming Raw Ham restores a player's hunger bar by 10%.

Cured Ham[]

Cured Ham may be obtained by curing Raw Ham with Salt, or by dehydrating Raw Ham on a Drying Rack.

Cooked Ham[]

Cooked Ham may be obtained by cooking Raw Ham on a Campfire for 225 seconds. Consuming Cooked Deer Meat restores a player's hunger bar by 26.7%.

Burned Ham[]

Burned Ham may obtained as a result of leaving Raw Ham on a Campfire for over 285 seconds. Consuming Burned Ham restores a player's hunger bar by 4%.

Rotten Ham[]

Rotten Ham is spoiled meat that is no longer safe to eat. Consuming a Rotten Ham restores a player's hunger bar by 2.7%, but it comes with a 85% chance of poisoning the consumer, while adding 30% torpidity and reducing stamina by 25%.


Cured Ham[]

The following resources are required to make Cured Ham:

  • 1 × HamRaw 48 Raw Ham
  • 1 × Salt 48 Salt

