The Edible Mushroom is a consumable food item, as well as a crafting component.
The Healing Mushroom refers to a bunch of small, edible mushrooms. Healing Mushrooms have white stems and red caps, and are easily identifiable by their distinctive red glow. They may be found in bunkers, sewers, caves, overgrown areas, or by water bodies.
Consuming a Healing Mushroom yields a 100% chance of curing poisoning.
The Healing Mushroom is required to craft the following items:
Antibiotic Bandage
Certain Death Al-Arrows
Certain Death Al-Bolts
Certain Death Wood Arrows
Irradiated Al-Arrows
Irradiated Al-Bolts
Irradiated Wood Arrows
Spooky Al-Arrows
Spooky Al-Bolts
Spooky Wood Arrows
Stalkers Al-Arrows
Stalkers Al-Bolts
Stalkers Wood Arrows
- The Healing Mushroom was added to the game in Patch #14