The Player also referred to as the Survivor, is a human male or female character that can be controlled in Miscreated.
Survivors roaming the lands are controlled by players and therefore can vary widely in their behavior. Though most players will fall into several unoffical roles:
- Fresh Spawn - Also known as a "Bambi." A newly spawned survivor, (or a survivor who was robbed and escaped from captivity) will usually have very basic clothing, shoes and little to no weapons or equipment. This survivor's behavior can be cautious, avoiding other players and mobs as they try to find more loot. Or purely suicidal because they have nothing to lose.
- Lone Wolf - A moderately equipped player, they travel alone, by choice or not. Highly unpredictable because nothing is known about their motives on first sighting. They can be helpful, but don't expect the Lone Wolf to hang around after they've shared food or supplies. If you cannot determine if the Lone Wolf is a friendly, than it is safe to assume they're a Lone Bandit, looking to Kill on Sight, or KoS other players through ambushes and sniping. Pay close attention to how the Lone Wolf is geared and dressed, it could be an indicator in how they might behave. If they look scary they are probably scary. But not always.
- Heros - Players who's goal is to help and team up with other players. Most often referred to as "friendlies" in game, they can differ greatly in their objectives and appearances. Some might be part of a clan, working together on building a base or helping other fresh spawns with cooked meals. Some might be more loners, driving around the map in a sedan offering a taxi service to players. Teams of well-geared Heros might clear out mutants, and fight Bandit clans.
- Bandits - The infamous Bandit players. A staple player base in any survival PvP game. They often Kill on Sight. Or, if alone, might trick you into thinking they are a Hero, and then backstab you. Groups of 2-3 Bandits will have the best firepower and military hardware, they'll prefer to get around by vehicle if they can. And larger Bandit Clans will wage war on the entire server from a well-fortified base. The most vindictive players might capture their target instead of killing them, putting them in handcuffs and yanking a sack over their head. From there you could be subjected to brutal torture of any sorts including but not limited to an endless loop of "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing" by Leo Sayer piped through the radio.
There are two player models available – the Male and the Female characters. Currently, all Player models are identical, only differentiated by gender, and the clothes and equipment they wear.
Sometimes the visual appearance of your character can be important. Choose wisely what you wear, if you can. Wearing scary face coverings, like the welder's mask, bandana or hockey mask, might send signals to other players you are a Bandit and looking to cause havoc. And slinging an over-sized duffel bag on your back will let everyone know you're stocked full of loot, making you a bigger target - literally and figuratively.
- Main article: Inventory
Players can carry up to 40kg worth of items in their inventories. The inventory interface may be accessed by pressing the G key (default). A Player's Inventory consists of 17 wearable item slots.
Each Player's inventory is personalized, meaning that they will only be able to access and/or manipulate their own inventories. Upon unconsciousness or death, a Player inventory can be accessed by other players, through interaction with the corpse.
New Players (often referred to as "Bambis") and/or respawning Players spawn at random locations in the southern half of Orca Island.
Players spawn at full health, with their hunger and thirst bars at 80% each. Players will only spawn or respawn with a random 2-slot shirt, 4-slot pants, footwear, and a Flashlight. Additionally, random common accessories may be provided for the eye and hat slots.
Upon dying, Players will have to wait for a respawn timer to pass before they can spawn again. The player's corpse remains in-game for 15 minutes before disappearing allowing other players to loot any gear or potentially allowing the dead player to respawn and run back to their corpse and recover any gear before the corpse despawns.
The Radiation bar is the measure of how much a Player has been exposed to radiation. As the radiation bar increases, a Player's vision turns increasingly grainy with a green tint. Radiation levels over 85% will cause the Player to slowly lose health. Once the radiation bar reaches 100%, additional radiation received gets converted to health damage. Entering irradiated areas without proper protection, being exposed to Nuclear Flash Freezes or Radiation Storms, or drinking untreated water increase the radiation bar.
Up to 40% of the radiation can be healed naturally. The Radiation bar can also be lowered by consuming AntiRad Pills or AntiRad Mushrooms. Potassium Iodide Pills offer resistance against radiation and should be taken prior to exposure.
The temperature bar in the player stats reflects the player's core body temperature and is not a measure of environmental temperature. Certain factors influence the rising and lowering of the player's core body temperature. During cold weather, wearing thicker clothes such as jackets will help the player stay warm, conversely during warm weather removing thicker clothing and wearing short sleeve shirts will prevent overheating.
Typically as the player's core temperature drops, they start to shiver, and the viewer window will begin to frost over with overall movements becoming more difficult. Overheating to around 40 degrees will cause the player to pass out.
- Combating the cold
- Wear jackets
- Use heat packs
- Go indoors (staying in vehicles like busses doesn't work)
- Stand near campfires, BBQs, fireplaces or furnaces
- Combating the heat
- Wear short-sleeves
- Wear short pants
- Stand away from lit campfires, BBQs, fireplaces or furnaces
- Swim in water
Stamina is a representation of how much energy a player has. Stamina is required for jumping, changing stances, and holding one's breath. Overexertion and negative status effects decrease stamina. Stamina is regenerated naturally or can be restored by consuming Energy Drinks.
Torpidity is the measure of weariness for a Player. As torpidity increases, a Player's vision gets more blurry. Once torpidity reaches 100%, a Player is rendered unconscious. Physical injuries, alcoholic beverages, and negative status effects increase torpidity. Torpidity is lost naturally or can be reduced by consuming Aspirin or Energy Drinks.
Oxygen is the representation of how much oxygen is stored in a Player's lungs. Being submerged in water drains oxygen levels over time. Holding one's breath, taking damage from attacks, and negative status effects may also decrease oxygen levels. Once the oxygen bar reaches 0%, continued oxygen deprivation will result in the loss of health. The oxygen bar is automatically restored when normal breathing is re-established.
Thirst is a representation of how hydrated a Player currently is. The thirst bar is restored by consuming drinks, and/or certain foods. Overconsumption will cause the Player to vomit, losing a large portion of their hunger and thirst bars.
Hunger is a representation of how fed a Player currently is. The hunger bar is restored by consuming food. Overconsumption will cause the Player to vomit, losing a large portion of their hunger and thirst bars.
Health is a representation of current life value. A Player dies when their health reaches 0%. Taking damage from attacks, falling, oxygen deprivation, and negative status effects lower health. Health is regenerated naturally, although this process may be sped up by using Bandages, sitting, or by staying well fed and hydrated.
Combating other Players is only possible on PvP-Servers. PvP damage is disabled on certain PvE-Servers.
Being playable characters, Players may vary widely in behavior and playstyles. While fairly weak in unarmed combat, Players are capable of utilizing weapons, gear, vehicles, and tools for combat.
- Players with better weapons and/or gear may pose a potentially larger threat
- Players with firearms have the ability to do large amounts of damage and cause bleeding
- Vehicles may be used to great effect in combat, in the hands of experienced Players
- Players belonging to the same group or clan may often work together to engage their opponents as a team
- Keep your distance initially, observe. Are they alone? Geared? Have their weapon out? Always plan before doing anything
- Players are susceptible to and can be affected by negative status effects
- Players can be easily knocked unconscious by shooting them with Tranquilizer Darts
- Once incapacitated, Players are helpless to defend themselves
The Player can emote a number of gestures and whistle, using the F2 to F11 keys:
- F2 - Putting your hands up in a surrendering motion
- F3 - Waving
- F4 - Middle finger (the bird, flipping someone off)
- F5 - Stop
- F6 - Come here
- F7 - Thumb up
- F8 - Thumb down
- F9 - Shhh (Voip whisper)
- F10 - Point finger forward
- F11 - Whistle (sound)
To be added.